Pornstar Dreams is the ultimate archive of pornstar pornography. Inside, you'll find thousands of pictures and hours of video from over 448 of the hottest pornstars to grace the pages and pixels of porn publications all over the world and the internet. If you're looking for an all you can eat buffet of famous pornstars, then Pornstar Dreams might just be for you!It seems that porn these days is all about a fresh new face. More and more people are losing interest in the big pornstars and are flocking to sites with new girls they've never seen before. Personally, I don't see a problem with this. But the tried and true pornstars that we all know and love tend to be forgotten in this new day and age where anyone with a hot body and a camera can be a pornstar. The times they are a changing! Pornstar Dreams will help you find pictures and videos from Amber Michaels and Asia Carrera right through to the likes of Xara Diaz and Zarnia. It's like an A-Z of who's who in the porn industry!